Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fear and innuendo drive opposition to NYC 'mosque'

USA Today
August 26, 2010

For a brief moment last week, it appeared that a smattering of reason might be interrupting the hysterical clamor over the Unfunded Half-Mosque That Isn't at Ground Zero. You know the one. It's two long city blocks distant from the former World Trade Center— out of sight and sound, located in the same general neighborhood as bars, an off-track betting parlor, a couple of strip joints and a sex shop.

As planned, so far without financing, it's less a mosque than something akin to a YMCA. It would house a pool, a gym, art studios and a library, among other things, and planners say it would be open to all faiths. It would also have Muslim worship facilities, but that's no change. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is heading the project, already conducts services at the site.
